Our founder
- Medical Advisory Board Picosure Laser Indonesia
- Medical Advisory Board Sofwave Indonesia
- National Trainer for Anti wrinkle & Filler Injection
- International Faculty of Minimal Invasive Facial Aesthetic Surgery
our specialty treatment
Your twenties are the prime age for everyone. To maintain even skin tone and elasticity, you need a targeted routine to keep your skin healthy and prevent early signs of aging. By starting early, you can embrace your twenties and every decade that follows with confidence.
In your thirties, collagen and elastin levels in your body drop significantly. This leads to the appearance of fine lines, dark spots, and visible capillaries on the surface of the skin. Other problems caused by excessive sun exposure and lack of care in your twenties also appear at this time.
As you age, your skin in your forties will lose volume and elasticity. Fine lines start to turn into wrinkles and age lines on the face become more visible. The shape of the face also starts to change due to gravity. However, with the right care, you can still maintain a V-shape face and your problems can be significantly minimized.
In your fifties, sagging skin and facial shape changes become quite drastic, especially when women go through menopause. Dark spots start to become more visible and can sometimes be difficult to cover up. At this time, you need more intensive treatments to reduce wrinkles and restore facial firmness, such as laser, HIFU, Sofwave and Thermage.
It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. Get back your V-shape face, reduce wrinkles, and look younger with a variety of non-invasive treatments at BMDERMA. Age is just a number! At BMDERMA, you can definitely age gracefully.
Usia dua puluhan adalah prime age bagi semua orang. Untuk mempertahankan kekenyalan dan tekstur kulit yang merata, anda perlu melakukan perawatan rutin yang ditargetkan untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit dan pencegahan dini terhadap tanda-tanda penuaan dini.