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We are a bespoke clinic, crafting our treatment according to personal goal
We are result oriented and we mean it in every possible way
Growing old is inevitable but aging gracefully is a choice
We are a bespoke clinic, crafting our treatment according to personal goal
We are result oriented and we mean it in every possible way
Growing old is inevitable but aging gracefully is a choice

Our founder

  • Medical Advisory Board Picosure Laser Indonesia
  • Medical Advisory Board Sofwave Indonesia
  • National Trainer for Anti wrinkle & Filler Injection
  • International Faculty of Minimal Invasive Facial Aesthetic Surgery

Our Awards & Certification

and many more...

our specialty treatment


Your twenties are the prime age for everyone. To maintain even skin tone and elasticity, you need a targeted routine to keep your skin healthy and prevent early signs of aging. By starting early, you can embrace your twenties and every decade that follows with confidence.


In your thirties, collagen and elastin levels in your body drop significantly. This leads to the appearance of fine lines, dark spots, and visible capillaries on the surface of the skin. Other problems caused by excessive sun exposure and lack of care in your twenties also appear at this time.


As you age, your skin in your forties will lose volume and elasticity. Fine lines start to turn into wrinkles and age lines on the face become more visible. The shape of the face also starts to change due to gravity. However, with the right care, you can still maintain a V-shape face and your problems can be significantly minimized.


In your fifties, sagging skin and facial shape changes become quite drastic, especially when women go through menopause. Dark spots start to become more visible and can sometimes be difficult to cover up. At this time, you need more intensive treatments to reduce wrinkles and restore facial firmness, such as laser, HIFU, Sofwave and Thermage.


It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. Get back your V-shape face, reduce wrinkles, and look younger with a variety of non-invasive treatments at BMDERMA. Age is just a number! At BMDERMA, you can definitely age gracefully.



Usia dua puluhan adalah prime age bagi semua orang. Untuk mempertahankan kekenyalan dan tekstur kulit yang merata, anda perlu melakukan perawatan rutin yang ditargetkan untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit dan pencegahan dini terhadap tanda-tanda penuaan dini.


Di usia tiga puluhan, kadar kolagen dan elastin tubuh turun secara signifikan. Hal ini menyebabkan timbulnya kerutan halus, flek hitam, dan kapiler yang timbul di permukaan kulit. Masalah-masalah lain yang disebabkan oleh paparan sinar matahari berlebih dan kurangnya perawatan pada usia dua puluh juga muncul di masa ini.


Seiring bertambahnya usia, kulit Anda di usia empat puluhan akan kehilangan volume serta elastisitasnya. Garis halus mulai menjadi kerutan dan garis penuaan di wajah mulai terlihat. Bentuk wajah juga mulai berubah karena pengaruh gravitasi. Tetapi dengan perawatan yang tepat, anda tetap bisa mempertahankan bentuk wajah V-shape dan masalah anda bisa diminimalisir secara signifikan.


Di usia lima puluhan, kulit kendur dan bentuk wajah berubah cukup drastis apalagi ketika wanita melewati masa menopause. Flek hitam mulai terlihat jelas dan terkadang sulit untuk ditutupi. Pada masa ini Anda membutuhkan perawatan yang lebih intensif untuk mengurangi kerutan dan mengembalikan kekencangan wajah seperti laser dan HIFU.


Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk memulai perawatan. Kembalikan bentuk wajah v-shape, kurangi kerutan dan tampil lebih muda dengan berbagai pilihan perawatan non-invasive di BMDERMA. Age is just a number! At BMDERMA, you can definitely age gracefully.


"I can’t say enough about the exceptional hospitality and incredible results at BMDERMA. Truly worked wonders on my skin, transforming it from dull to radiant. I no longer feel the need to wear makeup because of the remarkable improvement. The entire team is not only skilled but also incredibly friendly, making each visit a delight. I’m grateful to have found this gem of a clinic, and I highly recommend their services to anyone looking for that perfect glow!"
Diana Tanu
"One of the best beauty clinics in Jakarta! Love the ambience, with highly trained staff and professional doctors. This clinic offers variety of services for all skin problems. Highly recommended for those who aimed for glowing and healthy skin at any age."
Lidya Novidayanti
"Always thankful for BMDERMA for treating my acne since 2021. BMDERMA always give me the treatment suitable to my skin condition and it really helps my acne. Now my skin is healthier and glowing (better than ever!). The nurses and staff are also very friendly and helpful which makes coming there feels like at home."
Novrica Indah
"A Clinic You Can Trust! Trust is crucial when it comes to skincare, and I wholeheartedly trust this clinic. I've had various treatments, including facials, botox, skin discoloration treatments, and couldn't be happier with the results. The doctor is not only highly skilled but also cares about the results you achieve, while the staff is also friendly and well-informed about my treatments. I highly recommend this clinic for top-notch skincare treatments."
Maya Liem
"For sure one of the best clinics in Jakarta! The ambience was nice and cozy, and the doctors sure know what they're doing. As a person who regularly does beauty procedure (read: fillers), BMDERMA surely fulfilled my expectations. I love that they ONLY do what was necessary to help me reach the balance my face needs, while many other beauty clinics out there surely love to make us do as many procedures as they can, so that they can earn more. I would definitely go back again!"
Albert Soe